Description of Vietnam War
The Vietnam war lasted from 1959 until 1975. Its main cause was that the United states
wanted to prevent the spread of communism in Vietnam.
The war was fought in Vietnam. The area is very dense in jungle so the American
soldiers had more difficulty getting through. This however was an advantage to the
Vietnamese. They had a lot of booby traps and surprise attacks.
Our job was to guard the village Phu Da. My first night there, a report came in that an
attack from Vietnamese soldiers was coming to wipe us out. When they came, I was so
scared, this was the first attack I experienced. Luckily, it started to pour, and we were
saved from that attack. There were many other attacks like that. we soon were only left
with five marines. When we went out for patrol, we would have to go through the terrain
of swamps and jungles. One time there was a little girl riding a water buffalo in the rice
fields. There had been placed a booby trap and a mine exploded the both of them. I just
remember people running to and from the village collecting the buffalo meat and selling
it in the market.
I had a dream one night that there was an attack and two marines were killed. I woke
up scared to death and could not go back to sleep. The next morning I asked to switch
patrols with another marine, being still terrified from my nightmare. While standing
guard in the village, a report came over the radio. The men who went on patrol had
stepped on a booby trap. I instantly started panicking. I wanted to run to them but I was
told to stay in the village. They both were killed. I could not get over this incident. I had
previously stepped on a booby trap that week. However, it did not go off. I had gotten so
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